Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Making Logos Bigger

Every time a client asks me to make the logo bigger, this scene comes to mind...

Bringing Levity to Microsoft Project

Below is an email chain between myself, and my digital producer… Quick backdrop - we are kicking off an Apple iAd for my client, and I needed to update the production/development timeline to send off to my client, but all I had was the Microsoft Project file:

Me to Producer:

I cannot open .mpp files. Can you send me this in Excel please?

Producer to Me:

Do you need to edit? I can export into excel but won’t look good though.

Me to Producer:

I needed to edit. Nvm. Already been recreated :)

And fyi - changing this schedule, and it needs to go out today. Will show to you later before I send. Will have it in an hour or so.

Producer to Me:

You edited the timeline?!! You see [my account] works different than [her account]. Well let me know if you need any help.

Me to Producer:

Yeah, I just got on Project, and changed the number of working hours in a day to 12, and made it a 7 day work week. This thing is going live next Friday now.

Producer to Me:

Really Friday and not Monday? I was going to suggest we use offshore team so we can work 24 hours a day and not 12. 12 sounds too low.

Me to Producer:

Problem solving. I like it.

We are now launching EOD this Thursday. I have recalculated the timeline to account for an entire small village of people working on this for one full day. They’ll be working in Agile production sprints. I’ve given them one day of Agile training, and then one day of production. While this takes 125 people to accomplish, we actually save money here, and increase our profit margin dramatically. The science:

24 hours in a day X 2 days X 125 people @ $2.75 p/p = $687 That’s SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS and an iAd in two days!

Note - I used daily average income for residents of Cuba. I hope this is where our offshore team is. Please advise.